International Students' Association (UPMISA) | Universiti Putra Malaysia
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International Students' Association (UPMISA)

To improve the international students' experience the University has formed an International Students Association, which offers an extensive list of social program throughout your academic year. Attending these events is also an opportunity to share experiences, network and integrate with fellow students. During the year the International Students Association provides a variety of visits, activities and social events including visits to some of Malaysia's most popular heritage and tourism attractions. The visits are partially subsidized by UPM to provide all international students with the opportunity to participate in the events.

During your first weeks at UPM life can be very busy with lots of things to organize, which is not always easy in a new environment and also a new country. So we have made sure that joining the association is an easy process for you.

Click here for more information.




Updated:: 22/05/2017 [hairul_nizam]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 1000